CSECS launches new Online Speakers Series


October 03 2024

The Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is pleased to launch a new Online Speakers Series. This series aims to provide an opportunity to connect with the scholarly community working on the eighteenth century and extend our scholarly conversations beyond our traditional in-person conference.

Rousseau, Indigenous Critique, and The Dawn of Everything


September 20 2024

Rachel K. Carnell (ed.), Servanne Woodward (general ed.), Le Monde français du dix-huitième siècle / Eighteenth Century French World, vol. 9, no 1, 2024 (ISSN 2371-722X)

Databases on 18th Century France: Cooperation and Exchanges


September 03 2024

Online workshop, September 5th and 23rd of 2024, organized by Damien Tricoire and Simon Dagenais (Universität Trier).

Call for papers | ASECS Annual Meeting 2025

Calls for contribution

August 30 2024

The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for its 55th Annual Meeting, to be held virtually over two weekends: March 28-29 and April 4-5, 2025.

Have your say. Complete our survey on diversity, equity and inclusion at CSECS


August 27 2024

The SCEDHS is pleased to announce the launch of its very first survey on diversity, equity, and inclusion. This survey is open to all current or former members of the CSECS.

Policing and urban society in eighteenth-century Paris


August 23 2024

Oxford, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, 2024.

Colloque «Femmes de sciences au Québec (1765-1918)»


August 23 2024

Colloque organisé par Kim Gladu (Université du Québec à Rimouski), Karine Hébert (Université du Québec à Rimouski) et Kimberly Glassman (Queen Mary University of London), Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, 30 août 2024.

Announcement of the new Graduate School "Politics of Enlightenment"


August 23 2024

Nine positions for graduate and post-graduate students have recently been advertised for the establishment of the DFG Research Training Group "Politics of the Enlightenment" at the Interdisciplinary Center for European Enlightenment Studies (IZEA) at the University of Halle.

Appel à communications | Antoine Plamondon et l’avènement de la figure du savant peintre

Calls for contribution

August 23 2024

Pôle culturel du Monastère des Ursulines (Québec) et église de Neuville, 13 juin 2025. Date limite pour l'envoi d'une proposition: 1er décembre 2024.

Benoît Melançon named Professor Emeritus


August 23 2024

Professor Benoît Melançon, longtime member of CSECS, was recently awarded an honorary distinction from his institution.

Lettres de Hanovre. Correspondance inédite (1710-1716) et autres documents


August 23 2024

Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, coll. «L’archive littéraire au Québec» 2024.

The hog-score in the great rink of time : ramblings on curling with John Rae McCowan (1919-2021)


August 23 2024

[New printing] Book 1 Expanded: The Outdoor Natural Ice Era in Scotland, 1500-1900, Toronto, Ayrshire Archaeological and Natural History Society.

Don’t forget to renew your CSECS membership!


August 21 2024

If you are currently member of CSECS or if you were a member previously, you can easily renew your membership online.

Feminist Comedy: Women Playwrights of London


July 08 2024

University of Delaware Press, 2024.

2025-2026 Lewis Walpole Library Fellowships & Travel Grants


June 03 2024

Applications for the 2025-2026 fellowship cycle will be accepted beginning June 1, 2024, and the deadline for submitting applications is November 1, 2024. 

D. W. Smith Fellowship 2024


June 03 2024

Philippe Portelance, PhD candidate at UQAM and Heidelberg University, is the recipient of the D.W. Smith fellowship for 2024.

Remembering Alison Scott-Prelorentzos


May 27 2024

It is with great sadness that we learned of the recent passing of Alison Scott-Prelorentzos, esteemed member of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.

Éditer les correspondances à l’époque moderne. Faire ou défaire les réputations?


May 22 2024

Ce colloque rassemble des spécialistes de la correspondance de l’époque moderne afin d’étudier les éditions de lettres entre le XVIe et le XVIIIe siècle. D’Érasme à Voltaire, la période moderne est rythmée par des projets éditoriaux dédiés à l’impression de lettres de personnalités célèbres. Le colloque souhaite donc étudier cette pratique éditoriale tout en mettant en valeur les spécificités de chaque siècle et de chaque domaine d’activité : lettres savantes, lettres diplomatiques, lettres politiques, lettres personnelles, fictives, etc. 

International Early Career Scholars Seminar 2024

Calls for contribution

March 08 2024

The call for papers is now open for the next International Seminar for Early Career Scholars of the International Society for Eighteenth-Cenrury Studies (ISECS), "Diasporic Networks in the Long Eighteenth Century" (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, 8-12 July 2024).

Sophie Rothé : Mots de prison. Secrets et transgressions dans les lettres carcérales de Sade et Mirabeau


March 08 2024

Paris, Classiques Garnier, coll. «L'Europe des Lumières», 2023.

Free access to the Orlando textbase during Women’s History Month


March 05 2024

To mark Women’s History Month, users can enjoy free access to Orlando: Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present. Search the Orlando textbase here: https://orlando.cambridge.org.

Call for papers | Burney Society UK 2024 Conference ‘Exploring Burneys’ (London, 13-15 June 2024)

Calls for contribution

March 05 2024

The Burney Society UK is inviting submissions for its 2024 conference ‘Exploring Burneys’ to be held in Queen Anne Building, Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, Historic Greenwich, London, from Thursday 13 – Saturday 15 June 2024.
Deadline to submit a proposal: 31 March 2024

Share Your News on the New CSECS Website


March 01 2024

Have you just published a book? Are you looking to disseminate a call for papers or announce a conference? The Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies invites its members to submit their news for dissemination on the website and in the newsletter

CSECS Equity, diversity and inclusion Action Plan


February 29 2024

The Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies invites interested members to volunteer and join a new ad hoc committee whose mandate is to assist with the preparation of an action plan on equity, diversity, and inclusion.

New Membership Platform


February 28 2024

Your CSECS membership and the renewal of your membership can now be done through the new platform that we launched last spring. You can log in anytime to your profile to pay your annual dues, update your preference, choose the language for our communications, and register for the conference.

Déboulonner les Lumières (Paris, April 25-26)


February 24 2024

Déboulonnées, décapitées, vandalisées ou déplacées, les statues des Lumières sont devenues, ces dernières années, les cibles d’âpres débats mémoriels et politiques. Après avoir été elles-mêmes iconoclastes et militantes, après que ses philosophes se sont donné pour but de combattre les injustices, renverser les idoles et questionner l’ordre établi, voici que les Lumières incarnent aujourd’hui une autorité qu’on voudrait désacraliser et déconstruire. Ces journées préparatoires au dossier thématique no 57 de la revue Dix-huitième siècle rassembleront des interventions portant sur les débats interprétatifs provoqués ou ravivés par ces débats.

Fagel Collection Postdoctoral Research Fellow position (Trinity College Dublin)


February 21 2024

The Library of Trinity College Dublin is looking to hire a full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellow to conduct research into the Fagel collection for one year. The closing date for applications is 11 March.

Call for applications | D.W. Smith Fellowship 2024


February 21 2024

Applications are now open for the 2024 D.W. Smith Fellowship. Applications may be submitted until April 30 2024.

ISECS Financial Appeal


January 27 2024

The International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS) is inviting all individual and institutional members of its constituent societies to make a donation and support its mission of promoting the growth and development of studies and research relating to the eighteenth century.

Now Available: Eighteenth-Century Fiction Vol. 36, No 1


January 18 2024

The initial segment of this two-part special issue, titled "Refusing 18th-Century Fictions" and edited by Manu Samriti Chander, Eugenia Zuroski, is now accessible online.

Lumen (volume 41)


November 09 2023

Available online on Érudit.org

Madoff and Grundy prizes - the best essays of 2021


September 28 2023

It is our great pleasure to give these awards for the best essays from issue 41 (2021) of our journal Lumen.

David Smith: Notre Dame d'Auteuil: la vie de Madame Helvétius


September 25 2023

Paris, Honoré Champion, 2023.

Charlène Deharbe et Nicholas Dion (dir.): Fiction et morale au siècle des Lumières


September 12 2023

Éditions Hermann, Les collections de la République des Lettres, 2023.

CSECS Awards 2023


September 05 2023

It is our great pleasure to announce the names of the D.W. Smith fellowship and Tom Keymer Award recipients for 2023.